Lebbeus GRAVES

22 JUN 1705 - 1754

Father: Richard GRAVES
Mother: Joanna UNKNOWN

Family 1 : Amity WHITNEY
  1. +Amity GRAVES

                       _Joseph GRAVES ______+
                      | (1645 - 1727) m 1665
 _Richard GRAVES _____|
| (1672 - 1727) m 1700|
|                     |_Elizabeth MAYNARD __+
|                       (1649 - 1676) m 1665
|--Lebbeus GRAVES 
|  (1705 - 1757)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Joanna UNKNOWN _____|
  (1679 - 1727) m 1700|



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1534 - 1598

Family 1 : Thomas STARR
  1. +Thomas STARR



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13 FEB 1792 - 26 MAR 1864

Father: Robert SEAMAN
Mother: Nancy ANGEVINE

Family 1 : Annis BENJAMEN
  1. +Mary SEAMAN

 _Robert SEAMAN ______|
| (1766 - 1845)       |
|                     |__
|--Sutton SEAMAN 
|  (1792 - 1864)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Nancy ANGEVINE _____|
  (1770 - 1846)       |


Will of Sutton SEAMAN of East Fishkill, Dutchess Co, NY
Transcribed by Patrick R. WEBB of San Jose CA. Abstract:
Source: Sutton SEAMAN, will, 11 Feb 1863, recorded 29 Jul 1864, photocopies citing (1) Dutchess Co Probate File 5344, (2) Dutchess Co Liber W, pp. 14-15, Surrogate Court, Poughkeepsie, NY. Both obtained 24 Jul 2004 courtesy of Diane KOENIG of Copake NY. Sutton SEAMAN, of East Fishkill, Dutchess Co, NY, last will and testament, 11 Feb 1863, gives first, fifty dollars apiece to Walter, Salina, Mary, Frances and Ella SEAMAN, children of Benjamin SEAMAN deceased. His own children: Rhoda Ann, wife of Samuel DENTON, Mary, wife of Amos DENTON, Antoinette, wife of John Z. HOMAN, Emily, wife of William D. FLAGLER, Maria, wife of Frederick LUDDINGTON, Susan wife of George WEED, Robert SEAMAN and Joel SEAMAN, split the remainder of his estate equally. No bequest to wife Annis as she was expected to receive her dower.
Executors: sons-in-law Amos DENTON and William D. FLAGLER.
Transcription: In the name of God amen. I, Sutton SEAMAN, of the town of East Fishkill in the Co of Dutchess and State of NY, and being of sound mind and memory, do make publish and declare this my last will and testament, in manner following, that is to say First, I give and bequeath to Walter SEAMAN Salina SEAMAN Mary SEAMAN Frances SEAMAN Ella SEAMAN children of Benjamin SEAMAN deceased each the sum of fifty dollars.
Second, I give and bequeath to my daughters Rhoda Ann wife of Samuel DENTON, Mary wife of Amos DENTON, Antoinette wife of John Z. HOMAN, Emily wife of William D. FLAGLER, Maria wife of Frederick LUDDINGTON, Susan wife of George WEED and to my sons Robert SEAMAN and Joel SEAMAN all the rest and residue of my estate both real and personal to be divided equally between them, share and share alike. Third, I make no bequest to my beloved wife Annis expecting her to receive her dower and to be satisfied therewith.
Fourth, I give my executors hereinafter named full power to sell all my estate both real and personal either at auction or private sale, when it shall seem to them [?] or proper. Fifth I do hereby nominate and appoint my sons-in-law Amos DENTON and William D. FLAGLER my executors of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of Feb in the year of our Lord 1863 [signed] Sutton Seaman (Seal)

1846 Deed from Jacob and Sutton Seaman to Abraham Seaman
Transcribed by Patrick R. Webb of San Jose, CA.
Abstract: Jacob and Sutton Seaman, executors of the last will and testament of Robert Seaman all of Fishkill, to Abraham Seaman of Beekman, for $575, two parcels of land, the first being 10+ acres lying in Fishkill and Beekman, the second, 6+ acres of wood land in Beekman, dated 1 May 1846, recorded 22 February 1847. Transcribed from FHL microfilm 565062, Dutchess Co., New York, Deeds, vol. 84, pp. 87-89 by Patrick R. Webb of San Jose, CA.
This Indenture made this first day of May one thousand eight hundred and forty six Between Jacob Seaman and Sutton Seaman Executors of the last will and testament of Robert Seaman deceased of the Town of Fishkill County of Dutchess and State of New York of the first part and Abraham Seaman of the town of Beekman County and State aforesaid of the second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part by virtue of the power and authority to them given in and by the said last Will and Testament and for and in consideration of the sum of Five hundred and seventy five dollars lawful money of the United States of America to them in hand paid at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by the said party of the second part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and the said party of the second part his heirs executors and administrators for ever released and discharged from the same by these presents have granted bargained sold aliened released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell alien release convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever All that certain piece or parcel of land lying in the towns of Fishkill and Beekman Bounded as follows Beginning at a Butternut tree marked standing on the south side of lane leading from Robert Seaman to the highway being the corner of said Robert Seamans land Thence north forty nine degrees forty five minutes west five chains thirty one links to the highway Thence along the highway south forty three degrees West nine chains thirty six links Thence south twenty degrees west three chains eighty eight links to a stake and stones standing on a bank on the east side of the highway being the line of Daniel Seamans land formerly the land of John I. Carman Thence along the line of said Daniel Seaman south seventy seven degrees fifteen minutes East seven chains fifty links to a chesnut tree marked being Jacob Seamans corner thence south eighty six degrees east two chains thirty two links to a chesnut tree marked thence south seventy eight degrees thirty minutes east three chains seventy five links to a stake and stones being part Jacob Seamans Corner in the line of Robert Seamans thence north fifteen degrees thirty minutes west two chains seven links to a Black Birch tree marked being Robert Seamans Corner thence north seven degrees thirty minutes east seven chains fifty two links to the place of Beginning. Containing Ten acres one Rood [Road?] and two Rods of land after deducting the lane the said lane being reserved is not intended to be conveyed by this deed Also one other piece of Wood Land lying in the town of Beekman County aforesaid adjoining the land of the said Abraham Seaman Bounded as follows Beginning at a large Rock oak tree marked being Anthony Ashbys corner thence down a steep hill North eighty eight degrees West three chains sixty links to a heap of stones thence north six degrees West nine chains thirty[?] three links to a white oak tree marked thence north thirty degrees thirty minutes East four chains fifty links to the Bar way thence North thirty nine degrees forty five minutes east[?] four chains eighty six links to a stake and stones thence south two degrees thirty minutes West four chains thirty eight links to a Rock oak tree marked thence south three degrees east twelve chains seventy links to the place of Beginning Containing Six Acres and nineteen rods of Land Together with all and singular the edifices buildings rights members[?] privileges advantages hereditements and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits thereof And also all the right title interest claim and demand whatsoever both in law and equity which the said Testator had in his life time and at the time of his decease and which the said parties of the first part or either of them have or hath by virtue of the said last Will & Testament or otherwise of and to the land[?] and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances To Have and to Hold the said premises above mentioned and described and hereby granted and conveyed or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said part of the second part his heirs and assigns to hold their only proper use benefit and behoof forever And the said parties of the first part for themselves severally and respectively and for their several and respective heirs executors and administrators do severally and not jointly nor the one for the other or others of them nor for the heirs executors administrators or acts or deeds of the other or others of them but each and every of them for himself only and for them and their heirs executors and administrators and and the several and separate acts and deeds only covenant grant promise and agree to and with the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns. That the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns shall and lawfully may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy all and singular the said hereditements and premises hereby granted and conveyed or intended so to be with their and every of their appurtenances and [?] and take the rents issues and profits thereof to and for their own use and benefit without any lawful let suit hindrance molestation interruption or denial whatsoever of from or by them the said parties of the first part their heirs or assigns or of from or by any other person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or who shall or may lawfully claim hereafter by from or under them or either of them or by from or under their or either of their right title interest or estate and that free and clear and freely and clearly discharged acquitted and exonerated or otherwise well and sufficiently saved defended kept harmless and indemnified by them the said parties of the first part their heirs and assigns of from and against all and all manner of former and other gifts grants bargains sales mortgages judgments and all other charged and incumbrances whatsoever had made committed executed or done by them the said parties of the first part or by through or with their or either of their acts deeds means consent procurement or privity[?]. In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first above written
[Signature of] Jacob Seaman Executor of Robert Seamans deceased [Signature of] Sutton Seaman Executor of Robert Seaman deceas’d.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of The words thirty four Acres on the 2nd line from the bottom on the first page is erased Wm Homan
Dutchess County ss. On the fourth day of May in the year One thousand eight hundred and forty six Jacob Seamans and Sutton Seamans whom I know to be the individuals described in and who executed the within conveyance personally came before me and severally acknowledged that they had executed the same Wm Homan Justice of the peace of Dutchess County
Recorded Feb 22d AD 1847 at 10 oclock AM Jos T. Adriance Clerk


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1450 - ____

Family 1 : Nicolaus MAERKLIN
  1. +Anna MAERKLIN



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William WASHBURN (immigrant)

1 NOV 1601 - 30 OCT 1658

Mother: Martha STEVENS

Family 1 : Jane WHITEHEAD
  1. +Martha WASHBURN

                       _John WASHBOURNE ____+
                      | (1544 - 1593) m 1542
 _John WASHBOURNE ____|
| (1566 - 1624) m 1596|
|                     |_Joan BUSHNELL ______
|                       (1520 - 1557) m 1542
|--William WASHBURN 
|  (1601 - 1658)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Martha STEVENS _____|
  (1572 - 1626) m 1596|



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William La ZOUCHE (of King's Nympton Devon & Norton)

____ - BEF 3/03 FEB 1271/1272

Family 1 : Maud MORTIMER
  1. +Joyce la ZOUCHE



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